

V. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the word given in the brackets.
2024届上海市青浦区 高三上学期期末(一模)英语试卷
V. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
72.小区里的咖啡店定于年底开张,这真是锦上添花的美事。 (schedule)
73.我们都没有想到,那个曾经腼腆的男孩竟然能在演讲比赛中一举夺魁。 (It)
74.很多人反对在岛上修建核电站,担心废水可能会排入海洋,污染海洋生物。(for fear that)
75.除了推出智能电子产品外,这个公司与客户深化合作,探索数字化转型和可持续发展的道路。 (launch)
V. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
72. 两个小朋友分别得到一盒蜡笔和一本书作为奖励。(reward)
73. 一个人名利心越重,就越不可能脚踏实地做事。(desperate)
74. 他的古画修复水平如此之高,使得那幅尘封已久的画作重现光彩。(such)
75. 许多年过去了,他才渐渐淡忘人生中那尴尬的一幕:在大庭广众之下,他看到血晕倒了。(where)
V. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
72. 这个保安负责又睿智,让公司避免了损失。(save)
73. 他每月从生活费中留出一笔钱,以防患于未然。(case)
74. 为了吸引听众的注意,这个心理专家在开始讲座前,分享了他自己悲伤却励志的成长故事。 (draw)
75. 这个导览机器人在很多方面有了改进,不仅可以为参观者提供需要的信息,甚至还能带他们去目的地。(which)
V. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
72. 我听说你的表弟是个不折不扣的“社牛”,是吗?(hear)
73. 长颈鹿皮肤上橙棕色的斑点使它们可以在野外隐藏自己。(…it…)
74. 和普通巴士不同,这款智能巴士可以自动规划路线,避让行人和车辆,将乘客送达目的地。(avoid)
75. 今年参展的不少中国品牌产品通过对东方文化的深度挖掘,将传统与时尚融合,赢得了年轻一族的青睐。(integrate)
72. Frankly speaking, what you said at the meeting yesterday is still controversial.
73. However he tried to find an excuse for himself, he couldn’t persuade the people present to believe that he was innocent.
74. While filling in the college entrance examination application, if your idea doesn’t agree on your parents’, how would you like to solve it properly.
75. At present, many communities have opened convenience dining rooms in Shanghai, which out of question, bring great convenience to the residents, especially for the lonely elderly and those who are too busy to cook .
2024届上海市青浦区 高三上学期期末(一模)英语试卷
V. Translation
72. The coffee shop in the community is scheduled to open at the end of the year, which is really the icing on the cake/an extra bonus/adds brilliance to the community/makes things better.
Or: According to the schedule, the coffee shop in the community is to open at the end of the year, which is really the icing on the cake/ an extra bonus/ adds brilliance to the community/ makes things better.
73. It never occurred to us that the boy who used to be / was shy should win the first prize in the speech contest.
74. Many people object to building a nuclear power station/plant on the island for fear that the waste water might be dumped into the sea and pollute the marine life.
75. In addition to launching smart electronic products, the company is deepening cooperation with customers to explore the pathway to digital transformation and sustainable development.
72. The two kids were rewarded with a box of crayons and a book respectively. /
Or: The two kids were given a box of crayons and a book respectively as a reward.
73. The more desperate a person is for fame and wealth, the less likely he will do things in a down-to-earth/practical manner.
74. His skill of restoring the ancient paintings has reached such a level that he has made the one covered under the dust for a long time/the long buried one regain/ return to its former glory.
His skill of restoring the ancient paintings has reached such a level that he has restored the one covered under the dust for a long time to its former glamour.
75. Years had passed before he gradually forgot that embarrassing episode in his life where he fainted at the sight of blood in public/before a big crowd.
It was many years before he gradually forgot that embarrassing episode in his life where he fainted at the sight of blood in public/before a big crowd
V. Translation(共15分)
72. The security guard is responsible and wise, and saved the company from loss.
73. He set aside a sum of money from his living expenses each month in case of emergency.
74. To draw the audience’s attention, the psychologist shared his sad but inspiring story of growing up before starting the lecture.
75. This guiding robot, which has improved in many aspects, can not only provide visitors with the information they need, but also even take them to their destination.
72. 我听说你的表弟是个不折不扣的“社牛”,是吗?(hear)
I’ve heard that your cousin is quite sociable / outgoing / is really good at socializing, isn’t he
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73. 长颈鹿皮肤上橙棕色的斑点使它们可以在野外隐藏自己。(…it…)
The orange-brown spots on the skin of giraffes make it possible for them to hide themselves
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in the wild.
74. 和普通巴士不同,这款智能巴士可以自动规划路线,避让行人和车辆,将乘客送达目的地。(avoid)
Unlike regular buses, this type of smart bus can automatically plan its route, avoid pedestrians
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and vehicles, and take passengers to their destination.
75. 今年参展的不少中国品牌产品通过对东方文化的深度挖掘,将传统与时尚融合,赢得了年轻一族的青睐。(integrate)
Quite a few Chinese brand products exhibited this year have integrated tradition with fashion
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through a deep exploration of eastern cultures, which wins the hearts of the young people.
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