

考试注意:1。 请将答案填写在答题卡上,填写在试题卷上的无效。
2J本学科试题卷共 6页 ,四部分,满分 100分,考试时间 100分钟。
第 I卷
第一部分 听力技能 (共两节,共 20小题;每小题 1分 9满分20分 )
第一节 (共 5小题:每小题 1分,满分 5分》
听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳
选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。
1。 Which GOllnpetit蚤 on is Annai强
A。 T血e1ongjullupr B。 The highjump. c.The 200。 n1eter race.
2。 Where 1va.s Carla on R硅 onday
A。 At sch001。 B。 In the park。 c。 In the hospita1.
3, Hiow o最en does rvIaria play bad1ininton
.A。 Once a week。 B每 Twice a week。 c。 Three times a week,
嬉。 Who ist虹 e tallest boy in tme study group
A。 Mary。 B.Mike. c。 Jim。
5◇ Whic廴 sweater does sam wantto wearto the par钞
Ac The one wit‰ a盘sh on it。
B。 The one⒒ 7ith a panda on it.
(C∶ 。 TRe one vFith Mickey Mouse on it.
第二节 《共 及5小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分 )
听下面 6段对话或独自。每段对话或猴白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项
中选出最佳选项。昕每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5秒钟:=二完后 ,
各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
眵c .V旷ha定 did Peter do last Sunday morning
A氵 He exercised。 B。 He read a book。 c.He wentswimming,
7。 here was Peterlast sunday a盘 ernoon
A。 1n the bookstore。 B。 1n the libraly. C. In the museulrn。
昕对 话 ,网答 以下各 小题 。
8。 Wha商 is t执e boy doing
A。 He’ s talking with mis father。 Be He’ s going to a birthday partyc C。 He’ s100king for a
9。 wmat d。 es the boy’ s father like doing
A~。 Painting讶 B。 Fishing. c.c00king。
昕对 话 , 网答 以下各 小题 ◇
蓬0。 【|1Ovv rnany books did Jiln buy
A。 Two。 B。 One. c.T纽 ree。
銮蓬扌 `Ⅳhat does Jirn t11ink about the clothes
A. TLey are c11eap。 B. They 1ook s1nart. c. They are colmlfortable。
听对话 , 田答
· 以下各小题

重2。 VVrhat does Jack t蔽ink ofhis class trip
A喀 Boring. B.Exciting。 c。 TiFing。
13. 贼 at did Jack d0 on the train
八年级英语第 1页共/6页
A。 He 1ooked outside。 B。 He slept a11the way. C。 He read a book。
14。 What did Dale share with Jack
A。 some bre耐 . B.some s饣awberryjuice. C;。 sorne pears。
听对话, 回答以下各小
· 题。
15。 When does Harly usually play tennis
A.On Wednesdays。 B。 On Thursdays。 C。 On Fridays。
16。 Which model did HaⅡ ry’ s group 1nake
A。 A shop。 B.A mountain. C.A zoo。
17。 Wh戚 did Har1y and Peter do aRer school
Ac They went biking. B. They played chess。 C. They walked their dogs.
听独 白, 回答 以下各小题 。
18。 】「】Ow old is MErtina
A。 10 years old。 ∶B. 13 yeaFs old。 C). 24 years old。
19. What does Martina like Fnost
A。 Reading books。 B.watching fln1s。 C. Playing galines.
20.What suuectis Martinagood at
A。 Math. B。 Art。 C。 Chinese。
第二部分 阅读技能 (共 20小题;每小题 1.5分 ,满分30分 )
第一节 阅读下面的材料,从每题所给的 A、 B、 c三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题。
苛至5弘《lys莪心d25雾 ifl态 l
□ so、 s

sds11 111c Clca:“
t)又以{w 卜1ttike 取 ∶圣le
21. What kind ofhousework do the students do mlost
A.Doing the dishes. B.M狄 ing dhneL C.Cleaning the room。
22.What can we know flom the table
A.Only 5 boys do the dishes.
B.There are 50 smdents in Class 5.
C.More boys wash clothes than girls.
23. The table mainly introduces_.
A. the hotlsew· ork done by Class 5 on the weekend
B. hobbies ofthe s1△ dents in Class 5
C). tilne spent on ho1m,ew.ork on the、 veekend
I’ 1n Robert and I live in shanghai now.Last weekend,I went to a village for a vacation with Iny
My trip staHed early in the moⅡ1ing at shanghai Hongqiao Railway station.ARertwo hours on
the train to Ningbo and 1.nore than tw· o hours on the bus,I arrived at the village,Fengpuao.Fengpuao
1ooks so slmall on the Inap,but 2,000 people live there,next to a lake and forests。
八年级英语第 2页共/6页
I stayed with my host fainily fortwo days,and they were Biendly to me.They told me th狨
I GOuld
call theIn Ma11na and IBaba。
They had a daughter called Eva,she showed 1ne around the garden and told Ine how to gro、
vegetables。 I also went with lBaba to a ballu.boo forest.7rhen we went to the lake to go ifishing。
In the
evening,n1y naⅡ 1ily and 11iends calmle oven We had a big dinner togethen
The next day I woke up with the song ofbirds,something I never had in shanghai.ARer bre放
we wentto work on the f狩血 a11 day。 Ilearned much about faⅡ n work。 It was hard but vely interesting。
That evening I calme back to shanghai.
The tFip was only】 ∶wo days,butit made me relax△om the busy li免 。And it was agreattime together
with my host family。
24。 lIIow did Robert go to Fengpuao
A。 By train md by bus。 B。 By bus md byc狂 c.By bus and by plme。
25。 What did Robert do nealrthe lake
A。 Gohg nshing. B。 swimming。 c。 Taking photos。
26。 What did Robertthink ofthe trip
A。 It was relaxing but boring。
B.It was interesting and relaxing。
C.It was busy and boring。
27.Which ofthe|b110wingis NOT tme '′
A.。 There are 3,ooo people in Fengpuao。
B。 Robert went fshing on the nrst day。
C。 Robert clmne back to shanghaithe next evening。
△Vhen arnan was born,allthe parts ofthe man.s body wanted to be the boss.T.he head said,

I do all the thinking and te11 0ther parts、 vhat to do.so I.n1the most i1nportant and I should be

the boss,· rhe eyes said,“ I see everything and tel1· w`here you are。 so I should be the boss。 ·urhe
hands s0d,“ Without me,the man can℃ pick anything up.so I should be the boss."
T1he ston1ach said,‘ ‘I turn the food into energy.Without llne,we.d die ofhungen so I should
be the boss。 ”The legs said,‘ ηVith me,we.ll be able to move anywhere.so I should be the
boss.” Then the rectum(i直屈动)spoke up,“ Ithink I should be the boss.’ ’C)ther parts ofthe body all
laughed and said,“ You You don.t do anything!YOu.11 never be the boss.”
Hearlng this9 the FectuⅡ 1 got angry and closed up。 Anier a few days,the legs couldn℃ walk,
the stomach felt terrible,the hands staHed to keep shaking,the eyes cOuldn.t see well,md the
head couldn℃ think,Fina11y,they agreed to lu皮 ke the rectu111 the boss。
Neverhd廴虫um山血 any part ofyour body。 Every part is important。 Only when they work
together will you feel cOlufortable and healthy.
28。How n1any parts ofthe Fnan.s body wanted to be the boss
A。Four B.Five c。 six
29。 Which part ofthe body thought he should be the boss without giving any reasons
A。 1「he rectult1。 B.The eyes. C.The head。
30。 C》ther paliis ofthe body all laughed at the rectun1 because they
A.nobody cOuld help the rnan a 1ot
B。 the man liked them lnore t11an the rectum
C.the rectum wasn.timpo吨 ant at all
31.What does the underlined word‘ ‘1ook do卫 ’En on’ in the last paragraph linean
A。 尊敬 B。 轻视 c。 在乎
八年级英语第 3页共/6页

琶 n邕 outgoing is goo嫂 虿o罗 y⊙髓萝鍪重爵c。 搬o毯 c、w巍翻摄奁e rnore o被笔go量轰g may have Fnor簿 罾眼逸富授蚤量第cQ置胶le量
髦蔽 9弘 盘 outgoing is not翠o张蔽瞥媾搜s和o强 耄飘重獗蔽ei鼯邗醪鑫§弘驱peop蛋e can be outgoing。c鼍 e重 鑫
、yl。驳c毽飘start becoⅡ 驳 昏眼耄o重獗 晟v重巍 罗鼯e骚髦董;蠛醪冁遘s or a group of£ riends.lBu乞
t纽 e臂ea受 c抵蠡蚤蝥e搬
1蚤 鑫 鑫 毽 wo狭 se
《 敬 )6o【mes when yo眼 搬e翳耄s髦飚邂鑫0舻瞎o爹蚤瞎es獭量醣邋Φ姆多a驳嫂usually they will rett吴
rm驷our sm重薹e。 重⒑
翻 战
巍重sw邑弘 yQ被 may have so邋譬躐o飕 奄搬蔽sc
.m驴 “ζ 辫 99童
Stai矾:a talk.Just a si鹭 蚤瞎 受镘雹蚤蝥酗 or孬咂礓◇邓铲耋s曩毒撼够重盘鑫 s a good s穹art.If yod屑
懈挠强t t0蝥⒑a皈e
重麟密弼sti飕 鸾alks,you skouM捋 蠡暖飘露ws重血巍e飘sw蹿a护蝌Sa搬趱prepare(准 备 )your v童ews,or s斌 F蜜 懒e
矍髓e搬et勤挛new inform获 io盘 嚣搬趱巍e盥 鼬egp篦弘搜篦量迅触重n遘蘩
T巍e casier way to beco晏 me mto爨瞎昏触髦鑫0重镢鑫重s鼍醪go o眼耄它T纽is is also the Fr1ost i1nportamt step。
吼o to
y ma簸e new
ap搬·蔽,巍e beach,a club,a pa盛yo萝 遣鑫Ⅳ other plsces漉酰 yoh漉ink can be mn,and ypu m嚣
蠹ion遘st盔 eFe。
32。 W弘os犰ould you startto be outgoing wi耄 犰 ·
赢。 r parents。 8c。 Ylour勖 est自「ien涯。 C。 Vlour new fHen遘 s。
33。 瞰 atis the easiest way to becOme Ⅱ1ore outgoi搬 g
rr0 go out。
蠡te△1o talk. B。 To sX⒑重重e。 C。

3羼。瞰 ers了nay you Inake new∶&iends
Prhe p1aces that you think Gan be秉
A。 又n。

8。 The places that you thin.k Gan be quiet。
G.The places that you tmink Gan be cleain.
3甄 Wh重ch童s NOT the wnter’s View(观 点 )
Au Being outgoing is rea11y di董 董1cult.
8。 Beimg outgoing is good for our life.
C。 B}ging outgoing ca11 help people Lave moFe细 盘口
簿二节 语篇补全
DO you like watchiing rrv rr纽 ere aFe all kinds ofprograms on TV.砒 at kind ofprograrrls do you
l重蔽e to watcL 36
The sOap open was nrst。n钮e radio in由 e1920s.TRen it started on TV in the 1940s.Why do so
邂&搬y peoPle like to watch soap operas on TV,especia11y young people (_里 △~工 Let’ S and。 ut。
First,what’ s happenhg in the soap opera is very digerent各 om that in our lives3 Everything is
mer奶ct(完美 的 )in曲e play。 ~工鱼_People have如 w money problemsc
secomd,tLere aFe many beautiml girls扭 d handsome(英 俊 的 )乙oys.In伍e soap opera,they Ore
SO C001。 TLey dnve youmg people crazy (:厕 沌王的 ) 。They make young peop董 e happy。
_遏 2_The soap opera makes people relax aRer a day’ sh盯d work.Evem sOme o1d people like
to watch it,笔 oo.
羁斌 sOme people don’ t like it。 _至鱼_Do you like soap operas 娥 戚do you think ofthe盥
J戡ie鼬稷tr瞰akes soap operas popular
8.芟 ti缸重1Jk耄抵e soap opera is one ofthem。
C.理】诚r遇,s耄ories in soap operas are usua11y interesting。
D.T⒒ ey thimk t乙 e sLow istoo s1ow amd too 1o盘 g。
E。 甄 ople喊 on’ t need to worv about almost mything。
第二鄱分 知识运用 (共两节,满分25分》
第一节 完形填空 (共 10小题;每小题】.5分 ,满分15分 )
阚读下面的短文,掌握其太意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中,选出可以|〕
八年级英语第 4页共/6页
-i=∶ ≡:≡ 空 —
=∶=∶=∶=∶=!=∶ ====∶========∶==〓
〓〓=============:-====一 =—

变寰芪天孤搜 y雹og姆耄 ouy e姆 置敢盘重受am嫂 耄纽e pic奄 urea置 R the p重 cture” you篷萝e fee遘 i胶g so∶圣狻e ~嬉爹爹 γ .k_ 纽挠铲驴i晏
o戴 确 ^醇 巍燕魏。Yo斌 s器重建yow w旬 ul遘 visi耄 廴on趱o盘 雹o搬 o弼oW。 Wil蚤 you go t级 ere wit弘 盘盅Ⅳome or byL~逡 i良~~7
蛋|i錾 o翳醇Vo驳 ′Ⅴ强1弘ave器 800媾 鸾贲穰袋e:
置遘i逋 so独e巍量ng~送邑_破 u「i驳g mⅣ 冤蔽m重 1y trip to£ i昏 o娶ast weeke胶矗。z重牺◇重s盘no巍ef o素芝γ重搬
S弘摸诫o曜。T盔ese涯缚 s重鼍量s咿贲te酗唧 ulaF~44~i奄 s specia1 barbeGue(烧 烤 ).阢唧营$蠹o搬 a11over C抵 in愚
co盥e to耄犰e city鸾 o~4至_it。 Zibo is no耄 so far from Jinan,sO my抚d Wante逋 奄o drive Ⅵs锍ero。 罨峨 we。 L基蛋
‘ ’
奄o奋驳ke雹犯e‘ 牺ar铋 ecue tour’ 爸r邑iR at last.fr11e train runs_至z_Jinan an遘 i乙ibo only on、 veekends。 V盱畲s盘飞添/
a捂勰魏er(横幅 ) re蒯

ing“ We1cOme to the Special BBQ Rain” when wc go遭 o垒 巍廴 48。 We also got
so邂es搬a11sowenirs(纪 念 品 )商 You know what Weh删 a barbeGue on the trai盘 ”妣重s re醢y inte箩 estin岛
1t was notso_至 2~Jor us to taste the special barbecue in Zibo,because there wefe so狲 any peop蝥 e裣
A最er~50~some time,we sta⒒ ed to e吨 oy the deliGious如 o拉 1t was really细 n奄o mave a弘弼hecue w量龋
so 1·nany people 11orrl different places:
Li Ting
41.A。 磁ucks B。 snakes Ce panclas
42。 A。 1△erself B。 hiH1self C。 youFself
43。 A.scaFy B。 interesting C。 奄eJible
屡4. A.beca· tlsc of B.as Ccif
45。 A。 sell B。 start otry
46。 A。wished B。 scelued C。 deci破 c涩
47. Ac between B.夤om C。 acrOss
48. 丿气勖us Bq tra宝 猊 C。 plane.“
49. A。 right B。 busy Cceasy
50。 A够 going along B。 shoutirlg to C.waiting for
篱 ll卷
第二节 语法填空 (共 10小题;每小题 1分,满分 】0分 )
阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入适当内容 (1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 (1个或几
、 In A【∶nerican culture,a cartoon character—
· MiCkey Mouse is very fanaous。 We all knOw Mickey
hm a pair_复 h~。 round e盯 s.On November 1891978,Mickey工 2~二~(become) the nrst cart00n
ch盯acterto have a st盯 onthe Ho11ywood Walk ofFame.In his e盯 l=yΣ nlms,Mickey was。工~工遮_(luck)
and has many problems such as。 ~工亚_‘ (lose)his抵 ouse or girlnriend,Minnie._至 三_,he was
I-little man“
alWays Feady to try mis..i工 6 (good)· People wentto the cinema to see上 57● wim” :至 上
Some people might ask how this"吼 oon animal was so popular。 One ofthe main._里 L~L(reason)
is th狨 Mickey waslike a common m铷 ,but he alw叩 s tried。上 59 △免ce)any d触ge⒈ Most ofthem
wanted to be like Mickey.TIoday’ s cartoons are usua11y not so siFnple辶 _· 60~工~little Mickey Mouse,
but everyone still knows and 1oves hi111.
八年级英语第 5页共/6页
曩鳓黪饔 鳜饔躞鳜 《燕鹘絮罗蹒势霆骣黛》
爨一节 掇螽型澜读 《共 5尉`题晷篱刽 题 霾分罗溺狰 簋醯禽》
澜瀵下面短文氵按要求完藏各刽 趱。
曝禹晒浓槲 掇据短文巍睿圈篝淘蹑瀑 婴拥婴 邋邋邋洚畚鑫蟓翳麽攮爨蠓躞鑫戆鑫髋鲵 淄
嬲 搬 重s a 14oyearoo1d sc弘 oo量勰弘 瞿 皤礴龈曼蝌睨 曩黟僵|蟾|麒:蠖癜l蹰1逦粤胗屏髑茸魉!黟I禹|筢章髑:蠹鲺:籁!像章踺;胭:胭夸黧:髋喀癫搬密
雹飘量数.敏s舻蚤愚驷重mg computer galmles is窀弘e昏es蕙 镳
F鑫Υ篦嗡爨瞎l鑫 .i嚣 重巍巍重鑫巍。皤霾雹重蹈1雹乘
乏 ,s毒 飞邓

eekend,Le p营 aye遘 galr配t霾si搬 蘑暨o辘髦o霞 鬈飘瞎 破耄翕歹鑫勰重 .蜃Gov撖.铲 鑫 n。 i翳 ie骂黟搌累琵霈oe蠢够重鼍瞎鞑遴巍趱越重膻强蓄鑫
W鼬雹to搬 OVe。 He didn’ t盏ave勰笋飘重n鑫 允弭l嚣 铴阿 撼严s。 孤e追 甄e巍a斌 耄◇鑫Q蛐 巍辔貔鳌巍鹅龠搬空铴鳓破巍媾鼬
co涠 no搬ovee His鱼tLer took hi鼷 牡耄驭蛐os岛 1。 臼虫!56骧簋i盥:搬啻筢 啻骺 :婴:主:铫l搬:蹰:缭躞.
卢 争虹盘ier coming back i[r‘。m1耄姓e纽ospi盲 .a重 Nick fo蚤
9· 蝥o′踽厂s雹搬e趱oo鼍o圣 s邋嫂Vic瞎 e蓊蘧eo戤 ie巍 驴重稷ys soccgr
iri奄h纽重s虿巍.emds。 Some苞 .nes盔i王 es意重1蛋 p重avs coFn.p被 雹er骥 allules醪 鑫撼黟ceke盘涩s,辆谧奄搬e巍翻vG留 毽$es重莺g。萝蛋o鑫鑫曰
t`忑 ovⅥ,弘c费曩ves a happy amd弘 ea叠thy li董io。
at嫂oes Nick like doing in his f1·ee ti重me
62。 飞Vl飞Υ逋重建Nick;s father take hinlto t孤 e驭ospi哲器重
醇器中弼◇ wf毒 s NiCk′ s life novy
罨 嬉
第工节 书面表达 (15分 )
用本到了,Fun Magazine将 —
rF周 ″
发布 篇以 末休闲好去处 为圭题的推文。假如你是本篇推
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Places tO「 ecommend(推 荐 ) 鼠easQns(腺 国)
煲。VVanda iC:n ern a 最大的屏幕;最舒服的座椅 ;
2.su nnv Restaura nt 最新鲜的食物;蹑好的月艮务 ;

he、veekend is coming soon。 W·11ece do you、Ⅳ&ntto go youF£alinily or姒噌ends Tod助 严I°will
reco1111m.end son1e great places to yo被 。
八年级英语第 6页共/6页
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正确填涂 ∷l篷圜 错误谟涂 叵彐匝¤湮醐匣目
第 l卷 〔请蹋2B铅笔蠖淙 )
第一部分l听力技能 (共两节,每小题1分歹满分20分 )
扭 1 [A]rBl [C1[D1 6 [A] [Bl[C]ED] 11 [Al[Bl [Cl[Dl 16 [A][B][C][D]
△ 圊
一 2 [Al t8] [Gll飞 17 A1r81[G][D1 l 7 [Al [Bl[Cl ED] 12 [Al tB] [C][DI 〖 咿
诩 3 [Al[81 [Gl rDI 8 [Al IB][Cl[D] 13 IAlIB] EC]ID] 18 [A]1Bl了 C]tD]

` 踢 [盎 l[Bl IG]EDl 9 [A] [Bl IC]ID] 14 IAlIB] 1C][D] 19 [A][B1[G1[D量

鞭 5 [Al ig] 〖Cl[Dl 10[Al I:l rcl[DI 15 [A]IBl ICl IDI 20 [Al[BI EGl tDl
第二都分:阉读技能 (共两节,每小题1.5分 ,满分30分 )
21 [Al r81 rCl rD1 2于5 [A]EB]rc][D] 3】 [A][B][C][DI 3‘ 1A【 [Bl[Cl[DI
22 [A][81[C][D] 2′7 [A][B][G][D1 32 tA][B][G][DI 37 [Al rBl rCl[Dl
23 [Al[Bl〖 Cl[D] 2:监 [A1[B][Cl tDI 33 [AI[Bl[C][D] 38 [A][8][Gl[D]
2礴 [Al[Bl[Gl rD] 2!扌 [Al[8][G1IDl 34 [Al[Bl[C][DI 39 rAl[3]〖 Gl[D]
25 〖A1[Bl tCl rD1 30 IAl各 Bl[Cl[D] 35 [A1|[$][Cl[DI 40 [A]E8][Cl rD1

第三部分:知谖运蹋 (共两节。满分25分 )
媒I [戴 ]銮 Bl[Cl〖 D] 415 [A][B]rc]1DI
驳 42 [A][81〖 G][D] 4J7 [Al[B]〖 G][D]
Ⅱ 龊
尊3 [Ali[8]〔 Gl∶ 〔D] 4|s iA][B][C][D]
44 [Al[31 rCl FD1 49 [Al IB][G]'r」 9]
嬉5 [Al t8]〖 嗡][D1 5(l [Al 1B][C][D]

嬲 簿二节语法填引 每小题1分 ,满分10分 )
51 52。 53
菡 A
< 厂
J 0 57. 58。 59 ˇ U
篝皿部分:练畲披能,〔 共蠲带-满分25分 )
第一节镊努型阏读☆每小题2分 91鹅分10分 )

琅圃 籍1页 (共2受l ii巢
IⅢ预 灏靓
箨三节濯髓表达 (满分15分 )
瑾重1c飞veckeno is cOn1ing soon.VV11ere do γou i吼/ant to go wit血 Nour fan1iIy or£ 1jends Today 1

· 镶眠芦ill feco血]lrnend so111e grea扌 `1展 ces to you. i
| :
| I
} ∶
} l
| l
l l
j0嗯 龋
第2页 (共2页 嘟) 嬲
1.A 2.C 3。 B 4。 B 5。 c 6。 A 7.B 8。c 9。 B 1o。 A
' 11.B 12。 B 13,A 14。 B 15。A 16。 C 17.A 18。 B 19。 A 2o。 c
21。 C 22。 B) 23。 A 24。 A 25。 A 26.B 27.A 28。 C 29,/\ 3o,C
31。 B 32。 B 33。 c 34。 A 35。 A 36。 B 37。 A 38.E 39。 C 40。 |D|
41,A 42。 C 43。 B 44。 A 45。 C 46。 C 47。 A 48.B 49。C 50.C
51。 of 52.becanne 53。 unlucky 54。 losing 55。 I10VveVer
56。 best 57.the 58。 reasons 59,to face 6o。 as
61.卜1e likes playing colη puter games in his free tinae。
62.Because he could not move。
63。 No、″
`he lives a happy and healthy life。
64.在工作 日,他的生活充满 了考试与学习。
65. The doctortold hirn he should do some different kinds of activities.
The、″eekend is colη ing soon。 VVhere do you、 ″ant to go Ⅵrith your farnily or
friends Today liⅥ rill recornrnend some great places to you。
First of all`you can go to VVanda Cinenna。 lt has the best environnnent。 lt also has
a big screen、 corn·fortable seats and cheap tickets。 VVhat′s more`itis a good idea to
go to sunny Restaurant。 ·lt is the most falη ous restaurantin my tovvn。 The dishes
there are delicious and fresh。 It has good service and reallocal snacks。 Finally`you
can go to Xingqing Park.lt is the lη ost beautiful park in ltly tovvn.Yiou can do Iη orning
exercises and go boating there.
l am sure you Ⅵrill have a nice、″eekend.
C)题材∶本文是一篇材料作文 ;
② 时态:时
态 ″为 现在时 ;
③ 提示:要求介绍了两个可以去的场所并自己推荐一个,给出两个理由,适当增添细节 ,
第一步,承接开头,介绍已给出的两个场所 ;
第二步,介绍第三个场所,包括两点理由 ;
Ofirst ofa"第一
②what′s more而且
③a good idea一 个好主意
(Ditis the most famous restauFantin mytowh∶ 《形容词最高级)
∶②吒uc如 oooholhi0r.oI击 Ji森 sh;茹后。茹 】.R|乩磁 :II(如j连接两个并列句)

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