青岛二中 2023-2024学年第一学期 10月份阶段练习—高一英语试题 C. Different eating habits. D. Information of new restaurants.
满分:120分 时间:100分钟 2. What can we read to find comments on restaurants
命题人:戴公进 于静 代永慧 董素珍 孙茹苓 马清 审核人:戴公进 A. Women’s Health. B. Healthy Food Guide.
第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分) C. Time Out. D. La Cucina Italiana.
第一节(共 15小题,每小题 2.5分,满分 37.5分) 3. What can we learn about the author
A A. He lives in London. B. He loves and enjoys life.
On today’s blog post, I’ll be talking about my favorite magazines. I love reading books C. He often goes travelling. D. He likes collecting recipes.
& magazines, and I’m learning so many useful tips about healthy living, daily life, etc. B
Women’s Health “I’ve done such a good job of pretending to be an outgoing person that friends and
Women’s Health has a unique content. You can find various interesting information family are shocked when I tell them I’m not.” Ever since she was a teen, Amanda would
about healthy living or exercises you can do at home. I also love their writers because they adopt the behaviours of the people around her to fit in, while hiding her true personality.
explain every topic so clearly that you can even understand biological articles. And sometimes it was hard to tell who was actually the real Amanda.
Healthy Food Guide This is Social Masking, the process of covering your natural way of interacting with
I totally recommend it to everyone because it has lots of useful information about others so you can feel accepted. Social Maskers aren’t trying to cheat anyone; rather, they
being healthy during your daily life. In this magazine, you can find articles about foods are hoping to blend in with everybody else. “Social Masking is a learned set of
you often eat but don’t have much idea what it contains or if they’re healthy. If you are pattern-matching behaviours, movements and actions where you follow other’s suit to fit in
searching for new diets, this magazine gives you all the information. rather than stand out,” explains psychotherapist Dipti Tait.
Time Out In a world that often tells us to just be ourselves, you might wonder why many of us
Time Out is a well-known magazine and it’s free in my city. Every time I see a Time rely on these Social Masking behaviours. “Social Masking happens because we want to fit
Out magazine, I get it because it has lots of useful tips. I got Time Out London when I was in,” says Tait. The mask is a protection against our self-doubt. However, according to
in London, and I discovered new restaurants, galleries, museums, and events. This psychologist Quinn-Cirillo, social media may have made it even harder to be ourselves.
magazine has various information about the city life. For example, it gives you the events She notes that it gives us set images and videos that make us believe this is how we should
that are happening near you. It gives you tips for the railway stations and other be. It strengthens the belief that you are not good enough as you are and break down your
transportation choices. confidence over time. The more Amanda masked, the more she would lose faith.
La Cucina Italiana So how can you break the cycle Getting rid of the mask involves working to improve
If you love cooking Italian food, this magazine is for you! It has lots of recipes and your self-worth, self-belief and self-respect. Once you hear those damaging thoughts that
also restaurant reviews. You can also find popular restaurants near you in this magazine. tell you it’s not OK to be yourself, take action and stop it. Doing this repeatedly over a
I’ve also read articles by famous chefs from my city. period gives those self-defeating thoughts less power and improves your self-belief.
1. What can we find in Healthy Food Guide 4. Why does the author mention Amanda in Paragraph 1
A. Tips on cooking. B. Ways to keep fit. A. To provide background information.
高一英语 第 1 页 共 5 页
B. To give an example of a Social Masker. Language differences like these provide insights into people’s cultural experiences and
C. To introduce the topic of Social Masking. backgrounds. In a global age, the way one speaks is a distinct (明显的 ) part of one’s
D. To tell the story of Amanda, who hides her true personality. identity. Most people would be happy to talk about the cultures behind their speech. We’d
5. What can replace the underlined words “blend in” in Paragraph 2 learn more about the world we live in and make friends along the way.
A. Get along. B. Come along. C. Put up. D. Break up. 8. What does the author think of his/ her friends’ response in paragraph 1
6. What is Quinn-Cirillo’s attitude to Social Masking A. It reflects their language levels. B. It reflects their self confidence.
A. Unconcerned. B. Approving. C. Objective. D. Negative. C. It misses the real meaning of accents. D. It misses the point of communication.
7. What is the author’s advice on removing social masks 9. Why does the author use the example of Singapore Oral English
A. Regaining confidence. B. Doing exercise regularly. A. To justify the use of dialects. B. To show the diversity of dialects.
C. Turning to a professional. D. Engaging in social activities. C. To correct a grammatical mistake. D. To highlight a traditional approach.
C 10. What does the author recommend us to do in the last paragraph
When I mentioned to some friends that we all have accents, most of them proudly A. Learn to speak with your local dialect.
replied, “Well, I speak perfect English/ Chinese/ etc.” But this kind of misses the point. B. Seek for an official definition of accents.
More often than not, what we mean when we say someone “has an accent” is that their C. Distinguish our local languages from others’.
accent is different from the local one, or that pronunciations are different from our own. D. Appreciate the value of accents and dialects.
But this definition of accents is limiting and could give rise to prejudice (偏见). Funnily 11. What can be a suitable title for this passage
enough, in terms of the language study, every person speaks with an accent. It is the A. Everyone Has an Accent B. Standard English Is at Risk
regular differences in how we produce sounds that define our accents. Even if you don’t C. Accents Enhance Our Identities D. Dialects Lead to Misunderstanding
hear it yourself, you speak with some sort of accent. In this sense, it’s pointless to point out D
that someone “has an accent”. We all do! In the office of remote sensing scientist Liu Shaochuang, there is a huge photograph of
Every person speaks a dialect, too. In the field of language study, a dialect is a version a camel he photographed a decade ago in Xinjiang. He waited for hours by a pool of water
of a language that is characterized by its variations of structure, phrases and words. For in the Gobi Desert to capture the image.
instance, “You got eat or not ” (meaning “Have you eaten ”) is an acceptable and Since 2012, he has led a team in tracking and studying wild camels using satellite
understood question in Singapore Oral English. The fact that this expression would cause a remote sensing technology.
standard American English speaker to take pause doesn’t mean that Singapore Oral Unlike zoologists who focus on species, Liu has studied the interrelationship between
English is “wrong” or “ungrammatical”. The sentence is well-formed and clearly endangered animals and their environment, which he believes will help develop better
communicative, according to native Singapore English speakers’ solid system of grammar. protection strategies (策略) in the face of climate change.
Why should it be wrong just because it’s different His interest in wild camels began when his team tested a prototype (雏形) design of
We need to move beyond a narrow conception of accents and dialects — for the the lunar rover Yutu in the desert. Living in the harsh deserts in northwestern China and
benefit of everyone. southwestern Mongolia, camels are listed as critically endangered animals. Experts
高一英语 第 2 页 共 5 页
estimate that the population of this species is currently less than 1,000, of which around D. His inexperience at the very beginning of his work.
650 are in China. 14. What does paragraph 7 mainly focus on
“Ten years ago, the research relied only on human observation, which was very A. The function of the tracking collar. B. The definition of the tracking collar.
primitive,” Liu says. Because camels are fully migratory (迁徙的) and can travel over long C. The formation of the tracking collar. D. The importance of the tracking collar.
distances, scientists used to learn their habits by studying hoof prints and droppings. It was 15. Which of the following can best describe Liu Shaochuang
hard to find one camel in the desert, let alone track it. But Liu thought his expertise in A. Generous (慷慨的) and ambitious. B. Confident and grateful (感激的).
satellite navigation (导航) and remote sensing might come in useful in the study of wild C. Creative and determined (坚定的). D. Optimistic (乐观的) and modest.
camels. 第二节(共 5小题,每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5分)
It was not easy at first. Liu learned zoology from scratch (白手起家). His team had to 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为
spend several weeks each year braving dust and sandstorms in the vastness of the Gobi 多余选项。
Desert seeking out camels. A scar on his right eyebrow is the result of a rollover accident Finally the big day arrived. I was going on an exchange trip to stay with a French
on a rugged mountain road in Xinjiang. family. I was feeling nervous and excited because this was my first time on a plane and my
“The most exciting moment was attaching a satellite positioning collar to a wild first time travelling alone, without my parents. 16 We met Emily at the airport, a
camel.” The tracking collar, equipped with special receivers, weighs only a few hundred couple of hours before the flight.
grams. It can detach (分离) automatically and will not have a negative impact on the daily The flight was fine, although it was strange seeing the city disappearing under me
lives of the animals. The locations of the tracked animals are transmitted (传送 ) via from so high up. The flight went by quickly because I was so busy chatting to Emily about
satellite every day. Based on the data, scientists can get to know their migratory paths, our trip and how our different host families might be. During the flight, we decided that we
living environments and possible threats they may meet with. shouldn’t spend time together speaking in English during our month abroad. 17
For Liu, it is worth the significant sci-tech effort to study such a rare species. He adds Despite our agreement, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to say much the whole time I
wildlife protection and research will become more precise and efficient with the help of was in France. However, when my host family met me, I knew from the mother's warm
technology. smile that everything would be OK.
12. What was it that made tracking wild camels difficult It was still a bit stressful at first, trying to understand and communicate, but after a
A. Primitive tools were used in human observation. couple of weeks it became easier. I spent a lot of time with the two teenagers in the family.
B. Hoof prints and droppings were never to be seen. 18 In fact, I learned loads of interesting words from them, you know, the kind of
C. The number of camels experienced a sharp decline. things you don't find in books! I had one embarrassing moment when I used the wrong
D. Massive (大规模的) migration made camels cover huge distances. word when I was talking to their grandmother, but she was very relaxed about it. 19
13. What can be inferred from the scar on his right eyebrow When the time came to say goodbye to my host family. I was very sad to leave.
A. The stress he met with in his work. However, l have brought back some wonderful memories from this experience. The most
B. His carelessness in carrying out his research. important thing I’ve learned is that if you're open and positive about learning a language,
C. The rough conditions under which he worked. then it’s much easier. 20 I've even started watching a television series in French and
高一英语 第 3 页 共 5 页
I’m surprised to find that I can understand a lot more than before my stay in France. 24. A. before B. until C. after D. since
A. Otherwise we wouldn't learn as much French. 25. A. ruined B. destroyed C. damaged D. harmed
B. I found it disappointing when I didn't understand. 26. A. placed B. stuck C. set D. laid
C. Luckily, another girl from my class was going as well. 27. A. gently B. kindly C. totally D. immediately
D. They were younger than me but we got on well. 28. A. overcame B. admitted C. believed D. struck
E. I've paid attention to them and worked hard to do well. 29. A. worked B. performed C. organized D. watched
F. I’ve come back relaxed and much more confident in my ability. 30. A. often B. always C. seldom D. hardly
G. After all, you can't expect a language student to get everything right! 31. A. conference B. congratulation C. celebration D. party
第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分) 32. A. remember B. forget C. prevent D. insist
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1分,满分 15 分) 33. A. convenient B. free C. different D. new
Brian Peters had one thing to do before leaving his job as a police officer in Brooklyn. 34. A. authentic B. important C. brilliant D. practical
He decided to spend $500 he 21 for his service to buy 10 gift cards and handed them 35. A. forces B. equips C. makes D. explores
out to strangers in Brooklyn Centre on his 22 day. 第二节(共 10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 15分)
It took him about two hours to 23 the cards and he could put smiles on a lot of 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
people’s faces, including one woman he stopped 24 noticing the condition of her car. The first “forest library” in Shanghai recently opened to the public. Known 36
“Her car was really old and really 25 . I saw her screen wipers were 26 in the up Read & Joy Forest, the forest library is located in the green space near Shanghai Library.
position,” Peters said. “I explained what I was doing and gave her a gift card, and 27 Covering 37 area of 20, 546 square meters, it allows visitors to take a pleasant walk
she lit up with a smile.” in the quiet green forest, 38 includes various kinds of trees.
Once people 28 the initial shock of what he was doing, Peters said he received a The design of the forest library ensures minimal disturbance to the forest, with
lot more hugs that day. Monique Drier, who 29 with Peters, said Peters has 30 existing green spaces 39 (connect) by wooden walkways. And the open-air library
wanted to give back and didn’t really want the attention. “He didn’t even have a going 40 (equip) with facilities such as benches and an information booth, giving readers
away 31 ,” Drier said. “He has always tried to 32 the human side of law the chance 41 (relax) and read in a natural environment.
practice. He was a great policeman and will be dearly missed.” “The green outdoor environment helps reduce the stress of eyes 42 (effective). I
Peters, who started his 33 job three days ago, said he still wants to continue will come back for sure, ” said a 21-year-old college student named Wang Lei.
giving back to the community. “Community service is extremely 34 , and when Having a library in the woods 43 (offer) different reading experiences to readers.
you’re fortunate in life, you should give back to others who aren’t as fortunate as you,” Most of the visitors to the forest library are young people and parents with their children,
Peters said. “That’s what 35 the world go round.” who either bury themselves in reading 44 take leisurely walks in the forest. “I was
21. A. earned B. created C. borrowed D. achieved really impressed by the fresh air and the scents (气味) of the trees here. The library makes
22. A. first B. last C. victory D. great it possible to enjoy reading in the 45 (nature) environment,” said one reader sitting
23. A. take out B. deal with C. care about D. give away on a bench.
高一英语 第 4 页 共 5 页
第三部分 写作(满分 15 分) 16. _________________________________ (对目前的情况感到困惑), he was at a
假定你是李华,你和几位英文爱好者在互联网上建立了一个名叫 EasyEnglish的 loss what to do next.
英语学习网站。请你在校英文报上写一篇短文,向你校学生介绍这个网站。 17. If you come to our school, ____________ (有可能) you will meet some difficult
内容包括:1 .创立网站的目的; 2. 网站内容; 3. 号召使用。 problems in your life.
注意:1. 词数应为 80左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 18. Don't worry if you ___________________ (学汉语有困难), and just take your time.
EasyEnglish Is Waiting for You 19. ____________________________ (这就是为什么星星出现了), they are visible, but
________________________________________________________________________________ when the lights are out, they are invisible.
20 20. ___________________________________ (你不仅可以发表具体的问题), but you第四部分 基础知识填空(满分 分)
1. Keeping a diary can be an effective way in helping one get __________ ( ) can also broaden your knowledge by reading posts from other English learners around有条理的
and develop a good habit. the world.
2. I took on his ____________ ( ) to have a race. 第五部分 小说阅读(满分 5 分)挑战
3. The scenery there is so fascinating that it is totally beyond ___________ ( ). 1. In the Boscombe Valley Mystery, who killed Mr Charles McCarthy 描述
4. Many Chinese college students _______ ( ) to be a teacher in remote and poor area. A. James McCarthy, Charles’ son.志愿
5. From the way he behaved, I f_________ (认为) that he was drunk. B. Patience Moran, daughter of the lodgekeeper.
6. He is a ____________ (彬彬有礼的) child. C. John Turner, who returned from Australia.
7. Your clothes are often a _____________ (反映) of your personality. D. Alice Turner, a young girl.
8. My father and his friend have been out of ___________ (联系) with each other for 2. Which of the following didn’t help Sherlock Holmes solve the Boscombe Valley
nearly 30 years. Mystery
9. Mr. White is _________ (反对) to repairing the old building, and that's where I don't A. tracks B. a stone C. cigar stump D. a goose
agree. 3. In the Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle, how did Peterson, the doorkeeper, get the
10. The program aims to help students develop science skills, environmental __________ goose
( ), and healthy lifestyles. A. He got it from a man named Henry Baker one night.意识
11. I ________________________________ ( B. His sister gave it to him as the Christmas gift.美丽的景色给我留下了深刻的印象) and
forgot to go back home in time. C. He bought it from a horse-faced man.
12. I ___________________ ( D. Catherine Cusack, the lady’s maid, sent it to him.正在看布告栏的照片这时) I heard a voice behind me.
13. I ____________________ (试图启动我的大脑) but the engine just wouldn't start. 4. Did Sherlock Holmes send Ryder to prison Why or why not (2 points)
14. It is no use _____________ (跟他争论) the question, for he won’t change his mind. _______________________________________________________
15. The teacher found __________________________ (我记笔记很吃力) and told me to _______________________________________________________
stop and just listen.
高一英语 第 5 页 共 5 页
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